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Reconciling prepaid meter purchases with an Eskom invoice involves comparing the electricity units bought and consumed via the prepaid meter with the information provided on the Eskom invoice. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Collect Meter Readings and Purchase Records: Gather records of electricity unit purchases made for the prepaid meter. This could include receipts, transaction records, or statements showing the amounts and dates of each purchase.

  2. Record Prepaid Meter Readings: Take note of the current reading on the prepaid meter. This reading indicates the total amount of electricity units available or remaining on the meter.

  3. Calculate Electricity Usage: Determine the difference between the initial and final readings on the prepaid meter to find the total electricity units consumed during the period in question. This is the total electricity consumption from the prepaid meter.

  4. Check Eskom Invoice Information: Review the Eskom invoice to find the meter readings or units consumed according to Eskom’s records. The invoice should detail the amount of electricity units used during the billing period.

  5. Compare and Reconcile: Compare the total units purchased on the prepaid meter with the units recorded on the Eskom invoice for the same period. If the figures align, it indicates that the prepaid units bought and the consumption recorded by Eskom match.

  6. Identify Discrepancies: If there’s a discrepancy between the prepaid units purchased and the units recorded by Eskom, investigate further. Discrepancies might occur due to various reasons such as meter inaccuracies, errors in readings, or faults in the metering system.

  7. Account for Remaining Units: If there are remaining units on the prepaid meter after reconciling the purchased units with Eskom’s recorded consumption, these remaining units should be taken into account for future reconciliations or billing periods.

  8. Communicate with Utility Provider: If discrepancies persist or if there are concerns about the accuracy of readings or charges, contact Eskom or the utility provider to clarify and rectify any issues.

Reconciling prepaid meter purchases with an Eskom invoice helps verify that the amount of electricity units consumed according to Eskom’s records matches the units purchased and used as per the prepaid meter. Any discrepancies should be investigated and addressed promptly to ensure accurate billing and fair charges for electricity usage.


Subsidizing the fixed tariff of an Eskom connection with a prepaid meter in South Africa involves the property owner covering or partially covering the standing or fixed charges associated with the electrical connection. This subsidy typically pertains to the fixed costs that remain constant regardless of the amount of electricity consumed.

Here’s how it could work:

  1. Understanding Fixed Charges: With Eskom (or other utility providers), there are often fixed charges associated with having an electrical connection. These charges might include service fees, network fees, or other standing charges that are billed regardless of the electricity consumption.

  2. Owner Subsidy: The property owner may choose to subsidise these fixed charges associated with the Eskom connection. This subsidy could involve the owner paying these fixed charges directly to Eskom on behalf of the tenant or resident.

  3. Usage and Recharging: With a prepaid meter, the tenants or occupants still purchase electricity in units (kWh) as needed and load these units onto the meter. The subsidy from the owner typically applies only to the fixed charges and not to the actual electricity usage. Therefore, the tenants would still be responsible for purchasing their electricity units as required.

  4. Agreement and Communication: Similar to subsidizing the electricity units themselves, clear communication and a written agreement between the owner and the tenants/residents are crucial. The agreement should specify the nature and extent of the subsidy, who is responsible for paying for electricity units, and any other pertinent details.

  5. Responsibilities and Management: While the owner might subsidize the fixed charges, the responsibilities for managing the prepaid meter, ensuring payments for electricity units, and complying with regulations usually remain with the tenants or occupants.

Subsidizing the fixed charges associated with an Eskom connection can be a way for property owners to support tenants and potentially lower their overall living expenses. However, it’s important to establish a clear agreement outlining the terms and responsibilities to avoid confusion or disputes between the parties involved.

Eskom, like many other utility providers, calculates the electricity usage in kilowatt-hours (kWh), which is a unit of energy consumption. The calculation of kWh involves several factors and is generally determined by specific meter readings and usage over a certain period. The calculation is based on the following key elements:

  1. Meter Readings: Eskom meters measure the amount of electricity consumed in kilowatt-hours. Meter readings are taken at specific intervals (e.g., monthly) to determine the difference in consumption from the previous reading.

  2. Difference in Readings: The consumption is calculated by subtracting the previous meter reading from the current reading. The resulting difference represents the total electricity consumption during that period.

  3. Time Period: The time interval between two consecutive readings is crucial for accurate calculation. For example, if Eskom takes monthly readings, the consumption will be calculated based on the amount of electricity used within that month.

  4. Rate Tariffs: Eskom has different rate tariffs based on usage levels, times of day, and types of consumers. These tariffs determine the cost per kWh consumed. Different rates might apply for residential, commercial, or industrial users.

  5. Calculation of Charges: Once the consumption in kWh is determined, Eskom applies the relevant tariff rates to calculate the charges for the electricity used during that billing period.

  6. Additional Factors: Some specific agreements or types of meters might involve other factors, such as demand charges for high usage during peak periods or additional fees for specific services.

Eskom’s bylaws, regulations, and tariff structures might vary based on the region, type of consumer, and other factors. Consumers should refer to their billing statements or contact Eskom directly to understand the specific tariff structure, rates, and calculation methods applied to their electricity usage.

Understanding how Eskom calculates kWh usage and charges is essential for consumers to monitor and manage their electricity consumption effectively and to ensure accurate billing.

As a prepaid service provider, GRC supplies customers with statements detailing their electricity token purchases over a specified period. GRC does not receive the Eskom statement or utility bill but offers guidelines for reconciliation. These statements contain:

  • Purchase Details: Information about each transaction, including date, time, and the quantity of prepaid electricity units bought.
  • Token or Voucher Numbers: Unique codes associated with each purchase, used to load electricity units onto prepaid meters.
  • Total Amount Purchased: Sum total of all purchases within the specified period.
  • Period Covered: Specifies the timeframe for which the purchases are accounted for (e.g., monthly, quarterly).
  • Customer Information: Includes customer/account details (name, account number, sometimes meter number) for accurate association with the purchased units.

The primary aim of these statements is to aid customers in reconciling their prepaid electricity purchases with the utility provider’s consumption records, such as Eskom. By cross-checking the purchased units on GRC’s statement with Eskom’s usage records, customers can validate the accuracy of charges on their Eskom statement.

Customers can reconcile by:

  1. Reviewing Eskom Statement: Checking Eskom’s statement for the specified period to find recorded consumption or units used as per Eskom’s billing.
  2. Reviewing Prepaid Statement: Comparing total units purchased from GRC’s statement with Eskom’s recorded consumption, aiming for alignment.
  3. Identifying Discrepancies: Investigating reasons for discrepancies between purchased units and Eskom’s usage records, which could stem from meter issues, billing errors, etc.
  4. Contacting Providers: If significant discrepancies arise or concerns about statement accuracy persist, customers may need to contact both GRC and Eskom for clarification or resolution.

These statements from GRC serve as valuable tools for customers to track and reconcile their prepaid electricity purchases against the utility provider’s consumption records. This process grants better control and understanding of electricity usage and associated charges.